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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Zombie Mask.

So this is it, after many many months the Zombie mask is complete!
Made from home made papier mache, acrylic and a whole bunch of newspaper/toilet paper.
After a few bumps in the road of trying to find someway of attaching the mask to my face I finally got there. After that there was the trouble of someway taking a photo of myself in a none Myspace way. Thank got for the common household fridge and the camera built like a brick!
Look after your brains!

Illustration Bandits.

So this is my entry for Illustration Bandits weekly topic. This week it was "Mexican Wrestler" which is an remarkable first topic to have. Was just a quickie taken from a brief sketch, but not too bad overall.
Anyway, head over there and be part of it.
Take care.

Saturday, 11 June 2011


So it's finally here, the full skinhead video for Control's "He's a skinhead".
Enjoy and as always head over to the rabbit warren for more tasty goings on.